Terms & Conditions
For standard terms and conditions for McGrath Tonner Law Firm, please click here.
For standard terms and conditions for McGrath Tonner Corporate Services Limited, please click here.
Privacy Policy
McGrath Tonner is regulated by the Cayman Attorneys Regulatory Authority (“CARA”) and supervised by the Cayman Islands Legal Practitioners Association (“CILPA”). McGrath Tonner Corporate Services is regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (“CIMA”). As such, we are committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to this site. Visitors are not required to provide any personal information unless they chose to do so, for example, by signing up to receive our News & Updates or contacting us.
The information on this site is for informational purposes only. McGrath Tonner’s website is not intended to provide legal advice. McGrath Tonner disclaims any and all liability to persons who choose to rely upon its content.