McGrath Tonner offers fast and cost-effective debt recovery options for your business, including:
- Mortgage arrears
- Promissory notes and lines of credit;
- Loans secured by fixed or floating charges or guarantors;
- Outstanding trade debts;
- Strata fees
We have a wealth of experience in the recovery of the principal sum of the debt, together with interest on the principal sum and any legal fees incurred in the debt collection process.
We advise clients in simple terms as to the prospects of recovering money due and the most effective way of securing payment.
McGrath Tonner’s Debt Recovery team can offer debt collection services on a fixed fee or time-spent basis, dependent on the prospects of recovery, and the resources of you and the debtor. (Fixed fees can ensure that the debt collection process remains within budget and ensure that legal costs remain proportionate to the sum being recovered. In other situations, particularly where legal fees may be recoverable from the debtor, a time-spent basis may be more appropriate).
For more information or to book a consultation please contact: or +1 345 623-2740